Providers Todd McAllister, CRNA

Todd McAllister, CRNA



Areas of Specialization

Anesthesiology & Interventional Pain Management

Primary Location


Phone Number

(530) 842-4121

Education and Training

Medical Degree(s)

Kansas University, Medical Center, Kansas City, Department of Anesthesiology

Board Certified

National Board of Certification and Recertification for Nurse Anesthetists (NBCRNA)

About this Provider

Todd McAllister is a compassionate and dedicated healthcare provider who cares greatly for his patients. After graduating from California State University, Chico, he attended Kansas University Medical Center in Kansas City to study anesthesiology. After graduation, he worked in northern California for 12 years before moving to Idaho, where he currently lives with his wife and two children. He enjoys returning on occasion when the need arises to northern California to provide anesthesia services for the population he once served.


Todd McAllister has been providing high quality holistic anesthesia services for over 15 years. Outside of work, he enjoys spending time with his family, hunting, backpacking, camping, fishing, boating and flying.